The Ultimate Sauna Buyers Guide

Indulging in regular sauna sessions can bring about a wide range of health benefits. Whether you opt for an infrared sauna or a traditional sauna, both can assist in stress reduction, detoxification, and improved blood circulation. Nevertheless, it's important to understand the distinctions between these sauna types when making a selection for your home.

Our aim is to assist you in making an informed decision when it comes to choosing a sauna. This ultimate sauna buyers guide will delve into the key factors that prospective buyers should carefully consider when contemplating the purchase of a sauna. By understanding how to select the right sauna and optimizing your purchase, you can ensure the best possible sauna experience.

What to Know When Shopping for a Sauna

  • Difference in sauna types
  • Comfort level with new experiences
  • Restrictions of your property
  • Who would join you? 
  • Inside or outside sauna
  • Learning about additional features
  • Proximity to a sauna dealership

The allure of the health benefits provided by a sauna is a significant factor that attracts many individuals seeking to improve their well-being. However, this also leads to a multitude of new inquiries for potential buyers to address.

Selecting the perfect sauna can appear complex, as it requires careful consideration of factors such as property suitability, lifestyle compatibility, and desired customization options. With nearly a century of experience in assisting homeowners and sauna enthusiasts, Salus Saunas is dedicated to helping you make the optimal choice for your specific needs.

As you contemplate the prospect of enhancing your quality of life with a sauna, let's delve into the key considerations that buyers should prioritize before making a purchase.

Know the benefits

The health benefits are paramount considerations for numerous sauna buyers. One of the most immediate and apparent advantages of using a sauna is sweating, which is highly beneficial.

By inducing sweating, saunas facilitate the efficient elimination of toxins present in your system. This natural process allows the skin's pores to alleviate inflammation and acne by effectively flushing out toxins, chemicals, and other irritants. In this manner, saunas can contribute to purifying and rejuvenating the body.

Sauna bathing offers prominent health benefits that are particularly evident in the improved circulation of your bloodstream. This enhancement can elevate cardiovascular performance and potentially aid in calorie burning.

Furthermore, the act of simply sitting in a sauna environment is immensely beneficial for natural stress relief and promoting better sleep. The soothing effects of sauna sessions can help alleviate stress levels and contribute to a more restful and rejuvenating sleep experience.

Consideration 1: Do you have experience with an infrared sauna or traditional sauna? Which is your preference?

Saunas are primarily classified into two main types: traditional saunas and infrared saunas. While both types provide users with numerous benefits such as improved health and relaxation, the methods through which these benefits are achieved differ significantly.

Traditional Saunas

A traditional sauna, often referred to as a Finnish sauna, provides a classic sauna experience for those seeking a relaxing environment with higher temperatures.

In a traditional sauna, you'll find yourself seated in a wood-lined room heated by an electric sauna heater that contains rocks. It's a delightful experience to pour water over the heated rocks, creating steam and enhancing the ambiance.

Compared to an infrared sauna, a traditional Finnish sauna generates more heat, resulting in increased sweating. Temperatures in traditional saunas typically range from 150 to 185 degrees Fahrenheit. One of the key advantages of traditional saunas is the user's ability to control both the temperature and humidity, whereas infrared saunas only allow control over temperature.

Controlling the amount of water poured over the rocks allows users to adjust the level of moisture or dryness, catering to personal preferences. Adding essential oils to the water during a sauna bath can also introduce the benefits of aromatherapy.

To properly heat the rocks and reach the desired sauna temperature, traditional saunas typically require around 40-45 minutes. It is recommended for sauna bathers to spend 10-15 minutes in the sauna to maximize the benefits, although many sauna enthusiasts enjoy multiple rounds. Regardless of sauna type, it's essential to stay hydrated by drinking enough water before and after sauna sessions.

Incorporating these practices and considerations will help ensure a fulfilling and enjoyable sauna bathing experience, whether you opt for a traditional or infrared sauna.

Infrared sauna

An infrared sauna shares a similar design with a traditional sauna, featuring a wood-lined room, often constructed with materials like Canadian Hemlock. However, one notable distinction of infrared saunas is their heating mechanism, which utilizes infrared technology rather than a heater with rocks.

In an infrared sauna, an emitter emits infrared waves to generate heat directly in the sauna. Unlike traditional saunas, the infrared heat targets the body instead of heating the surrounding space. As a result, infrared saunas can be used sooner as they quickly provide direct heat. The average temperature range in an infrared sauna is typically between 120 to 150 degrees Fahrenheit, slightly lower than traditional saunas.

Despite the lower temperatures, users can still feel warmth in an infrared sauna. The infrared energy directly heats the body instead of heating the air as in traditional saunas. This causes profuse sweating as the infrared energy penetrates the body and raises the core temperature.

Bathers can begin their infrared sauna session as soon as the sauna is turned on, without the need for preheating. Similarly to traditional saunas, a recommended session length is typically 10-15 minutes. However, due to the lower temperature in infrared saunas, some users may opt for longer sessions to achieve desired effects.

Consideration 2: Are you open to trying a sauna type that you haven't experienced before prior to making your purchase decision?

Have you had the opportunity to experience a traditional or infrared sauna during a visit to a gym or spa? If you have, you might already have a particular sauna type in mind that you are considering for your home installation. However, if you haven't tried both an infrared sauna and a traditional sauna, it would be beneficial to visit a sauna dealer and explore or test models of both types. This will enable you to determine which sauna aligns with your preferences and provides the features and benefits that will offer you the most enjoyable and fulfilling experience.

Consideration 3: Do you have any limitations or size restrictions when it comes to the space available for your sauna?

When choosing the placement of your sauna, it's important to consider the most suitable location within your home or property, taking into account factors such as space availability and the individuals who will be joining you in the sauna experience. By determining the specific area where you intend to install your sauna, you can streamline your selection process to find a sauna model that fits comfortably in the desired location while offering all the desired features you seek.

Size and Location of Saunas

Finding the perfect location for your sauna can be a struggle if you are already tight on space. If you have a spacious and open basement, it presents an excellent opportunity to create your own personal spa. Often, basements are underutilized areas in many homes, making them ideal for renovation projects. Whether you're looking to transform an old nursery or repurpose a recently vacated rec room, installing a sauna in your basement can bring numerous benefits to your lifestyle through regular sauna sessions.

Our saunas come in various standard sizes and designs, catering to different preferences. They are designed to be easily set up in your home or gym area. Some of our saunas are even portable, providing the flexibility to assemble them wherever you desire. With clear instructions provided, you can quickly and effortlessly enjoy the luxury of a sauna, creating a rejuvenating experience right at your convenience.

Consideration 4: How many people will use the sauna?

When choosing a sauna, it's important to consider the number of individuals who will be using it simultaneously. If your intention is to enjoy the sauna experience with family members or a significant other, this factor will influence your sauna selection. Opting for a sauna with ample bench space to accommodate multiple people would be ideal. Saunas are available in various sizes to cater to different needs, ranging from those suitable for installation in a one-bedroom apartment to larger options designed for the enjoyment of an entire family. Taking into account the number of users will help you choose a sauna that provides the desired space and capacity for everyone to enjoy comfortably.

Some individuals view saunas as a social experience and enjoy using them in the company of others, whether it's with family members or friends. For those who prefer a larger group setting, Salus Saunas offers spacious saunas specifically designed to accommodate multiple individuals, allowing you to enjoy the sauna experience together with your loved ones or friends. These larger saunas cater to the preference of creating a shared and enjoyable sauna environment.

Consideration 6: Are you interested in additional sauna features?

Before making a sauna purchase, it's important to take into account a range of other attributes. For instance, your preferences concerning the sauna doors should be considered. Moreover, your choice of wood may be influenced by the overall style of your residence. These elements hold substantial importance in tailoring your sauna to align with your visual and design preferences.

Sauna Features and Accessories

When choosing a classic sauna, you have access to a range of accessories that can elevate your overall journey. Think about integrating buckets, ladles, and linens, as they play a vital role in achieving the steam and humidity levels you seek during your sauna rituals. Beyond just adding to the ambiance, these accessories also provide a safeguard against sweat marks, thus promoting the durability and cleanliness of your sauna in the long run.

Consideration 7: Where can I purchase a sauna? 

If you're considering purchasing a sauna for either your indoor or outdoor space, Salus Saunas offer an ideal solution. Check out our website or contact our customer support team with any questions. 

What to Know When Shopping for a Sauna

The allure of health advantages linked with saunas draws numerous individuals who aspire to enrich their lives positively. Yet, this surge in interest also brings forth a multitude of fresh factors for potential buyers to consider. 

Picking the perfect sauna can appear intricate, demanding meticulous evaluation tailored to your property, way of life, and the extent of personalization you seek. With over a century of experience in aiding homeowners and sauna enthusiasts, Salus Saunas is committed to guiding you in making the best possible choice for your distinct requirements. 

Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us for assistance in planning your new home sauna.

Sauna Glossary 

Warming-up Time 

Warming-up time refers to the period of time needed after turning on the sauna heater before the air in the sauna has reached the required or desired temperature for use. Generally speaking, a sauna will take 30 to 45 minutes to warm up.


Arterioles are small blood vessels that are smaller than arteries, but larger than capillaries. They can be found all over the body. Since they connect arteries with capillaries, they have an influence on blood pressure and the speed at which blood flows through the vessels.


Inside the sauna, there's an enhancement in the blood supply to your respiratory mucous membranes. This improvement empowers them to undergo a more effective purification process, consequently bolstering your innate defense mechanisms. The soothing warmth of the sauna causes relaxation in your bronchial muscles, which offers substantial advantages, particularly for individuals dealing with asthma or bronchitis. Should the sauna air feel overly hot and breathing becomes challenging, pouring water over the heated stones can be beneficial. However, after exiting the sauna, the key is to refresh your respiratory mucous membranes with fresh air to ensure proper cooling.


A banja represents the Cyrillic expression for a customary communal bath in Russia. Within a Russian banja, the temperature remains below 70°C, yet the humidity can ascend to 100%. Positioned at the heart of the chamber, a stove, typically fueled by wood, takes its place. Russian banjas exhibit remarkable parallels to Finnish saunas, differing mainly in the slightly lower temperature and elevated humidity levels. To invigorate blood circulation, bathers gently lash themselves with fresh silver birch branches.

Steam Bath 

The precursor to the modern sauna, known as the sweat bath, can be traced back to the stone ages. Even in today's times, remnants of sweat baths can be uncovered across the entire northern hemisphere. This widespread occurrence can be attributed to a straightforward reason: heating air is simpler compared to heating water, which would have necessitated suitable containers that people would need to carry during their travels. Yet, a cave, a hollow, a dwelling, or even a tent could easily be converted into a steam bath with minimal effort. The transformation required nothing more than heating stones in a fire and, perhaps, a small amount of water to be poured over the heated stones.

Earth Sauna 

The origin of all contemporary saunas as we recognize them today can be attributed to the earth sauna. Constructed by excavating a substantial and deep cavity in the ground, an earth sauna hosts a stone basin within this hollow. Atop this, a cabin made of pinewood and crowned with a thatched roof is erected, evoking the sensation of sitting within a woodland hut. Many earth saunas boast the capacity to accommodate groups of up to 15 individuals. Similar to other sauna variants, the focal point of an earth sauna is its heater, often powered by wood, which creates an exceptionally inviting ambiance. Within the earth sauna, the atmosphere remains notably gentle and dry.

Fresh Air Supply 

Ensuring proper air circulation within the sauna necessitates effective fresh air intake and ventilation. This process facilitates the introduction of outdoor oxygen-rich air into the sauna space, making it advantageous for the sauna to have direct access to the outdoors. Simultaneously, sauna ventilation plays a role in expelling stagnant, moisture-laden air from the sauna enclosure. The presence of adequate ventilation serves as an essential requirement for establishing a favorable sauna environment.

Vascular Workout 

Engaging in a sauna session involves a rhythmic interplay between warm and cold stimuli, effectively "training" your blood vessels. Under the influence of heat, your blood vessels dilate, and they constrict when exposed to cooler temperatures. This dynamic process serves to activate your vascular system, consequently enhancing your metabolism. The deliberate stimulation of your blood vessels emerges as a primary health advantage derived from sauna usage.


A hammam, also known as a Turkish bath, is a traditional type of steam bath or sauna originating from the Middle Eastern and North African cultures. It's a place where people can experience a combination of heat, steam, and bathing in a communal setting.

Hammams are not only places for cleansing but also for socializing and relaxation. They hold cultural significance and are often seen as places to unwind, socialize, and enjoy wellness. The practices and rituals associated with hammams have been passed down through generations, and they continue to be an integral part of the cultures they originate from.

Cardiovascular System 

The typical resting heart rate for an adult ranges from 60 to 100 beats per minute (bpm). When exposed to the sauna's heat, your body employs your skin as a means to release excess heat. This process involves the dilation of blood vessels located just beneath the skin's surface, resulting in increased blood flow to the upper layers of your skin. Within the sauna environment, your cardiovascular system ramps up its activity by approximately 50% to uphold your blood pressure amid the expansion of these vessels. Upon the subsequent cooldown phase, your blood vessels constrict once again, leading to a return to your normal heart rate.

This orchestrated manipulation of your blood vessels cultivates an improved and swifter responsiveness to fluctuations in temperature. Consequently, those who incorporate saunas into their routine tend to perspire more rapidly when exposed to heat due to the practiced efficiency of their vascular system.


After experiencing a cold stimulus, your body engages with the nervous system, prompting the release of neurotransmitters like norepinephrine, adrenaline, and the stress hormone cortisol. These neurotransmitters contribute to an elevation in blood pressure and an accelerated heart rate, while simultaneously invigorating your overall metabolism. Conversely, a heat stimulus prompts the secretion of endorphins, which possess both pain-relieving qualities and the ability to induce feelings of happiness.


The medical designation for overheating during sauna usage is "hyperthermia," a condition intentionally sought after for its positive impacts. In essence, you deliberately subject your body to extreme conditions by enduring the sauna's customary temperatures of 90°C to 100°C, followed by a subsequent cooling down, often to temperatures below 0°C. Within the sauna environment, the temperature of your skin escalates more rapidly and distinctively than the internal temperature of your body, which usually only rises by a maximum of 1-2°C. Approximately 10 minutes into the sauna session, your skin temperature reaches 40-42°C, thereby initiating a substantial enhancement and acceleration in various bodily processes, primarily your metabolic rate.

Elevating your core temperature from 37°C to 38°C or 39°C resembles the induction of an artificial fever. Unlike your body itself, numerous bacteria and viruses that have the potential to induce illness struggle to survive at such heightened temperatures. This signifies that sauna usage offers an effective means of preemptively combating infections before they can take hold.

Immune System

The appeal of saunas lies partially in their ability to bolster the immune system. Through consistent and proper sauna usage, involving the alternation between heat and cold exposures, you can condition your body to better accommodate abrupt temperature changes from indoor to outdoor environments, minimizing susceptibility to quick cooling. Each instance of sauna use contributes to reinforcing your body's defense mechanisms.

The heat generated within the sauna elevates your core body temperature by 1°C to 2°C, akin to inducing an artificial fever that prompts a comprehensive response from all cells in your body. Yet, the advantageous impact of the sauna is incomplete without the ensuing body-cooling phase, which constitutes the complete cycle of alternating between hot and cold. This holistic process is pivotal in effectively fortifying your immune system. The key to harnessing these benefits lies in the correct and regular utilization of saunas.

Infrared Heat Cabin 

Within an infrared heat cabin, your body predominantly absorbs the warmth emitted by an infrared (IR) radiator or a comparable element, such as IR foil that heats the walls. The heat derived from the surrounding air is of minimal significance in comparison. Notably, the infrared-C radiation, characterized by long wavelengths, interacts gently with your body.

Core Temperature 

The central temperature, also referred to as the core body temperature, signifies the mean temperature within the body. Typically ranging from 36 to 38°C, it experiences a rise of only 1 to 2°C at most during a sauna session.

Kneipp Hose 

A Kneipp hose is a wide rubber hose connected to a cold water faucet, intended for showering oneself with cold water once exiting the sauna.


A laconium stands as a room designed for dry perspiration. Just like a tepidarium, the warmth emanates uniformly from stone walls, floors, seating, and benches. Notably, the temperature in a laconium is notably elevated, hovering around 60°C. Within this environment, a gradual and profound sweating process ensues. The laconium offers a viable option for those who might deem the conventional sauna, with temperatures often exceeding 90°C, excessively warm. The humidity level in a laconium generally ranges from 15% to 20%.

Light Stimulation

The undeniable importance of light and its therapeutic impact is widely acknowledged, having yielded remarkable healing outcomes. In contemporary times, the utilization of color and light stimulation has experienced a resurgence, finding its place not only within saunas but also gaining prominence in spa and wellness treatments.

Air Cooling 

Engaging in a cooling process with fresh air is typically carried out outdoors; if this isn't feasible, an open window can serve as a substitute. Ensuring a cooldown entails more than just water; the inclusion of fresh air is essential, as it effectively cools the lungs while infusing them with indispensable oxygen and revitalizing air.


Humidity denotes the quantity of water vapor present in the atmosphere, and it fluctuates based on the kind of sweat bath you engage in. For a sauna experience, the ideal humidity range typically falls within 5-10%, momentarily escalating after water is poured onto the heated stones. In a sauna, humidity levels range from 40 to 55%, whereas in a steam bath, the humidity reaches near 100%. A hygrometer is employed to quantify humidity.

Smoke Sauna 

Progressing from an earth sauna, the smoke sauna stands as the subsequent advancement. This sauna variant is enclosed within a square or rectangular log cabin, situated at ground level. The heart of the smoke sauna features a chimneyless wood burner that is preheated prior to sauna usage, resulting in the deposition of a layer of dark soot upon the sauna benches and walls. Within a smoke sauna, the primary emphasis leans more towards inducing perspiration rather than traditional sauna bathing. Once you exit the smoke sauna, an extensive shower is taken to cleanse the body of both soot and perspiration. Notably, smoke saunas pave the way for the saunas with heaters that we cherish and embrace today.


Regeneration, stemming from the Latin term "regeneration," signifies the process of revitalizing and renewing energy levels that have been depleted or diminished. In the realm of sports, athletes engage in regeneration to restore both physical and mental vitality that is spent during intensive training sessions or competitions. The approach to regeneration varies based on the extent of physical activity and the present training requisites. It serves as a mechanism for recovery, characterized by an accelerated replenishment. The more demanding and strenuous the exercise, particularly muscle training, the lengthier the required recovery period.

Approximately two hours after the initiation of the regeneration process, fatigued muscles commence their recuperation. However, the complete restoration of glycogen in muscles can take up to seven days, and up to 14 days for the restoration of normal muscle endurance capacity. Techniques such as massages, saunas, infrared heat cabins, showers, relaxation methods, light physical activities like walking, periods of rest, and sufficient sleep all contribute to aiding the regeneration process.

Sauna - Origin 

"Sauna" is a term derived from Finnish origins, which is unsurprising considering the widespread practice of this type of perspiration therapy followed by rapid cooling in the northern reaches of the country. Yet, the Finns were not the sole inventors of saunas, and these steam baths were not always confined to wooden cabins. The concept of sweat bathing found favor in various cultures, driven by its efficiency in heating a relatively small amount of water—much less than required for filling a tub.

However, it was Finland that popularized saunas, their reputation spreading on the coattails of remarkable achievements by Finnish athletes. The turning point came during the 1924 Olympic Games in Paris when two Finnish competitors secured resounding victories in the 5000m and 10,000m races, despite sweltering conditions. Their consistent use of saunas played a pivotal role in this accomplishment.

Sauna Effect 

The beneficial impact of the sauna stems from the subsequent body-cooling phase, constituting the comprehensive pattern of alternating between warmth and cold exposure. This complete cycle is essential in ensuring the reinforcement of your immune system and the extraction of numerous other health benefits that saunas have to offer. It's through consistent and accurate utilization of the sauna that these advantages can be harnessed to their fullest extent.

Sauna Temperature 

Tailoring to individual preferences, the sauna temperature can be adjusted within the range of 80°C to 100°C. In certain Finnish instances, temperatures may even soar to 120°C. Generally, adhering to the principle that a higher temperature coupled with a shorter sauna session is preferable compared to extended perspiration at lower temperatures. Ultimately, the ideal sauna temperature is the one that ensures your utmost comfort.

Dousing Shower 

Splashing provides an effective method for hydrating your face and skin during intervals between sauna sessions. Within a pool or shower, perform a rapid sequence of 20 warm water splashes onto your face. This practice not only aids in cleansing away sweat but also facilitates cellular regeneration by replenishing the moisture that the cells have lost due to the heat.


Vasta, a Finnish term, refers to the fresh, leafy branches of silver birch. These branches are employed to gently lash the skin following the act of pouring water over the heated stones in the sauna. This practice aims to enhance circulation and stimulate the body further.

Lowly Tower 

A "löyly towel" is a towel that a sauna master wields, swirling it around after pouring hot water over the sauna stones. This action disperses steam across the sauna attendees. Through wide, sweeping motions, the towel effectively ensures the even distribution of steam throughout the sauna enclosure.


Well-being signifies achieving a state of complete physical and mental equilibrium. This involves possessing robust physical health, engaging in a satisfying profession with a balanced work-life dynamic, existing within a supportive social context, and fostering nourishing relationships. All these elements collectively shape an individual's well-being. It also encapsulates a lifestyle that remains attuned to inner needs, where passion, enjoyment, and delight are integral and not overlooked.